
Best Support for Corki: Maximizing Success in League of Legends

Best Support for Corki: Maximizing Success in League of Legends

In League of Legends, Corki is a versatile ADC (Attack Damage Carry) champion known for his hybrid damage and long-range poke. With his unique blend of magic and physical damage, Corki benefits from specific supports that enhance his strengths and cover his weaknesses. Choosing the right support can significantly improve Corki’s ability to carry games, from helping him survive the laning phase to ensuring he delivers devastating damage in team fights. This guide will explore the best support for Corki, providing insights on synergy, laning, and mid-to-late game strategies.

Understanding Corki’s Playstyle and Needs

Corki thrives as a poke-heavy ADC who deals both physical and magical damage. His kit allows him to be highly mobile, with “Valkyrie” giving him a dash for repositioning, and “Missile Barrage” enabling long-range poke. However, Corki’s early game can be weak, and he relies heavily on hitting his item power spikes—particularly when he obtains his Trinity Force and Muramana. Because of this, Corki benefits from supports that provide safety, peel, and sustain during the laning phase.

Additionally, Corki shines in team fights with his burst damage and ability to kite enemies. Supports that can engage or disrupt enemy formations will help Corki land his damage safely. Let’s dive into the best supports for Corki and how they enhance his performance.

1. Lulu: Shielding and Empowering Corki

Lulu is one of the most reliable support picks for Corki. As an enchanter, she offers shields, movement speed boosts, and additional poke, which aligns perfectly with Corki’s playstyle. Lulu’s Whimsy can be used either to speed up Corki, allowing him to kite and reposition effectively, or to crowd-control enemy threats, keeping Corki safe during engagements.

Key abilities that benefit Corki include:

  • Help, Pix! (E): Lulu’s shield provides Corki with additional durability during laning, allowing him to farm more safely and poke with confidence.
  • Wild Growth (R): In team fights, Lulu’s ultimate grants Corki bonus health and an AoE knock-up, giving him the survivability needed to continue dealing damage in skirmishes and team fights.

Lulu’s ability to peel for Corki while amplifying his damage output makes her a perfect fit for a poke-heavy, late-game scaling duo.

2. Janna: Peeling and Sustaining Corki

Janna is another excellent support that complements Corki’s strengths. Known for her exceptional peel and sustain, Janna ensures Corki stays alive through the laning phase and contributes in team fights. Her disengage tools allow Corki to kite back while dealing damage from a safe distance, making her an ideal support when facing aggressive or dive-heavy enemy compositions.

Key abilities that benefit Corki include:

  • Eye of the Storm (E): Janna’s shield not only protects Corki but also empowers his auto-attacks, helping Corki secure trades and survive poke in lane.
  • Monsoon (R): Janna’s ultimate heals Corki and knocks back any enemy that tries to dive on him, providing vital peel during dangerous engagements.

Janna’s disengage, shields, and healing ensure Corki can safely scale into the late game, where he truly shines as a hypercarry.

3. Thresh: Engaging and Protecting Corki

Thresh offers a combination of crowd control, peeling, and playmaking potential, which can be highly effective alongside Corki. Thresh’s kit allows him to engage on enemies or peel for Corki when necessary, making him a flexible choice depending on the matchup. Thresh also provides safety with Dark Passage (W), which can help Corki reposition during risky situations.

Key abilities that benefit Corki include:

  • Dark Passage (W): Thresh’s lantern can be used to help Corki escape tricky situations, especially when Corki’s Valkyrie is on cooldown.
  • Death Sentence (Q): Thresh’s hook can engage enemies for Corki to follow up with his high burst damage.

Thresh’s ability to peel and engage makes him a strong pick for Corki, especially when Corki needs more protection or initiation in the late game.

4. Nami: Sustain and Poke Synergy

Nami offers sustain and poke, making her an excellent support for Corki, who enjoys extended trades and skirmishes. Nami’s heals and crowd control can help Corki dominate the laning phase while offering additional poke to wear down enemies before engagements. Nami’s Ebb and Flow (W) provides both healing and damage, allowing Corki to stay in lane longer and safely poke enemies.

Key abilities that benefit Corki include:

  • Ebb and Flow (W): This ability bounces between enemies and allies, providing sustain for Corki while also harassing the enemy ADC and support.
  • Tidal Wave (R): Nami’s ultimate can initiate or disengage fights, setting up Corki to land his abilities without being threatened by crowd control or damage from the enemy team.

Nami’s versatile kit of heals, slows, and knock-ups complements Corki’s long-range damage, making her one of the most well-rounded supports for him.

5. Yuumi: Scaling and Safety

Yuumi’s unique ability to attach to Corki and provide heals, shields, and bonus movement speed make her a fantastic support option for scaling into the late game. Corki and Yuumi together can become nearly unstoppable once they reach their item power spikes. Yuumi’s You and Me! (W) allows her to attach to Corki, making her immune to damage while empowering Corki’s attacks.

Key abilities that benefit Corki include:

  • Zoomies (E): This ability grants movement speed and heals Corki, allowing him to kite enemies or reposition during team fights.
  • Final Chapter (R): Yuumi’s ultimate roots enemies in place, providing Corki with the chance to unleash his combo without worrying about being caught.

Yuumi and Corki form a potent duo that scales exceptionally well, as Yuumi’s presence gives Corki the ability to focus entirely on dealing damage without worrying about positioning as much.

6. Leona: Engaging for Aggressive Plays

Leona provides a different type of synergy for Corki, focusing on aggression and crowd control. If Corki’s team needs an engage or a strong front line, Leona can dive in and lock down enemies with her stuns and slows. Her natural tankiness allows her to soak up damage for Corki, while her CC enables Corki to follow up with his burst and poke.

Key abilities that benefit Corki include:

  • Shield of Daybreak (Q): Leona’s stun sets up perfect opportunities for Corki to land his skill shots and auto-attacks, securing kills or chunking down enemy health bars.
  • Solar Flare (R): Leona’s ultimate provides long-range crowd control, giving Corki the ability to poke or engage from a safe distance.

Leona’s crowd control and tankiness can compensate for Corki’s relatively fragile early game, allowing the duo to make aggressive plays or survive all-ins from the enemy.


Corki is a unique ADC who relies on his long-range poke and item power spikes to dominate the mid and late game. To maximize Corki’s potential, pairing him with the right support is crucial. Whether you’re looking for a support that provides shields and sustain like Lulu or Janna, or one that can engage and peel like Thresh or Leona, the key is to enhance Corki’s survivability and ability to deal damage.

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