Tech Piso Wifi Pause Time Machine System: Explained Piso Wifi Pause Time Machine System: Explained

The Piso WiFi pause system is widely used in public places. Users pay a fee to use the internet. The name “piso” comes from the Filpino word for “peso” which used to be the access fee set at one Philippine peso.

Free public Wi-Fi often uses a captive portal. This portal requires users to log in or pay before they can use the internet. Piso WiFi administrators manage tasks like controlling network traffic verifying users and handling payments.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Easy to access
  • Makes money
  • User login
  • Manages network
  • Easy to use

Piso wifi has become popular because it is easy to use and lets businesses make money. It is a cheap way to give internet in public places and help admins manage how it is used. 

Plus the 0.0.01 piso Wifi system can be customized. You can schedule filter content and monitor usage to fit different needs.

Importance of managing and controlling WiFi access


Wifi security is essential to prevent unauthorized and protect your network from potential threats and managing W can connect to your wifi network ensure that only approve users can access permission. By doing so you prevent unauthorized viewing and data theft by securing wifi with your network which could otherwise lead to malicious activity such as hacking or data theft securing wifi with passwords and access control helps maintain the confidently and  integrity of your network

User Experience:

When multiple devices connect to a wifi network simultaneously or when certain users consume excessive bandwidth it can slow down the internet speed for everyone else on the network. To manage this administrators can connect regulating the amount of bandwidth each device or user can use and prioritizing certain types of internet traffic. the action helps maintain a consistent and satisfactory user experience for everyone using the wifi network, 

Access Control:

Access control refers to the ability to restrict which users or devices have access to specific parts of the network or certain types of content. For example in an office setting employees might have access to sensitive company data while visitors are restricted to a guest network with limited access.

 In educational institutions, students may be restricted to accessing educational websites only. 

By setting up access controls administrators can enforce policies that align with their organization’s security and operational needs ensuring that network resources are used efficiently and securely. 

Monitoring & Troubleshooting:

Monitoring wifi usage and network activity allows administrators to keep track of who is accessing the network and how it is being used. This visibility enables quick identification of potential issues such as unauthorized users or devices causing disruptions or configuration settings that may need adjustment. By promptly identifying and addressing these issues administrators can minimize downtime and ensure the smooth operation of the wifi network. Troubleshooting capabilities are crucial for maintaining network reliability and addressing any technical problems that may arise.

Cost Management:

Unlimited wifi usage can lead to excessive data consumption and higher costs, especially in business environments where bandwidth needs to be managed efficiently. To control costs administrators can implement policies to regulate data-heavy activities such as torrent downloads or video streaming. By limiting these activities or prioritizing business-critical applications organizations can effectively manage data usage and rescue unnecessary expenses associated with the overuse of network resources.

Effective management of a Wi-Fi network involves a combination of security measures user experience optimization access control policies monitoring capabilities and cost management strategies. By implementing these practices organizations can ensure that their wifi networks are secure perform efficiently comply with access rules quickly resolve issues and operate cost-effectively. A comprehensive approach not only enhances the reliability and efficiency of the organization.

Steps to Pause Piso WiFi:

  • Open a web browser and click on
  • Enter your username and password.
  • Find ‘Internet Access Time’ and click on it.
  • Choose how long you want to pause WiFi: 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 2 hours. 
  • Click the ‘Pause’ button to activate.
  • To deactivate, simply click again without using the pause button.

Understanding the 10.0.01 IP Address

The IP address  is classified as a private IP address meaning it is reserved for use within a private network rather than on the public internet. Private IP addresses like are essential for facilitating communication among devices within local area networks while maintaining separation from the global internet.

Understanding the Components:

1. Private IP address range: the “20” at the beginning of signifies that it falls within the class A range of private IP Addresses. This ranges from to and is dedicated for use in private networks. These addresses are not routable on the public internet which helps prevent conflicts and ensures security within local networks.

2. Network and host identification: The Address is and consists of two main parts: the portion of the network (10.0.0) and the host portion(.1.) In a subnetted medium the first three octets (10.0.0) identify the particular networks to which the device belongs. This allows devices with the same network to communicate directly with each other. The last octet (.1) identifies a particular device within that network. Each device in the network will have a unique host identifier.

3. Local network communication: devices within the same local network that share the 10.0.0.x addresses can communicate with each other directly using their private IP addresses. This internal communication is essential for services like file sharing printer access and internal website hosting within organizations.

4. Subnet Masks: when combined with a subnet mask the IP address is helps determine which part of the address is the network part and which part is the portion. This information is crucial for routing data packets correctly within the local network. 

5. Avoiding IP Conflicts: by using private IP addresses like organizations can avoid conflicts that might arise if devices use globally routable IP addresses. This separation ensures that internal networks can operate efficiently without interference from the broader internet. 

IP addresses and their significance

IP addresses or internet protocol addresses serve as unique identifiers assigned to every device that connects to the internet or any computer network. They play a crucial role in enabling communication between devices by providing them with a physical address where data can be sent and received. 

1.IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4): IPv4 addresses are the most widely used and recognized format. They consist of four sets of numbers divided by dots such as

This format allows for approximately 4.3 billion unique addresses which are distributed globally. Due to the growing number of devices connecting to the internet IPv4 addresses are becoming increasingly scarce. 

2. IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6): IPv6 is a more recent standard designed to address the limitations of IPv4 by using a different numbering system.

IPv6 addresses are represented by eight groups of hexadecimal numbers separated by colons like 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334.

This format provides an immensely large pool of addresses theoretically allowing for billions of addresses per square millimeter of the earth’s surface. 

IPv6 adoption continues to grow as it ensures a sustainable supply of IP addresses for future internet growth. 

Functions and Applications

Communication backbone: they are fundamental to routing data packets across networks ensuring that information reaches its intended destination device efficiently.

Tracing and identification: public IP addresses can be used to geographically locate devices and identify their approximate location. Private IP addresses are used within close networks to uniquely identify devices. 

Routing Efficiency: by dividing IP addresses into network and host identifiers routers can make routing decisions more efficiently. This division allows routers to forward data packets based on the destination network address. 

Importance and Challenges

The foundation of Internet communication: IP addresses are the backbone of modern Internet communication enabling everything from email and web browsing to video streaming and online gaming.

Scaling challenges: the increasing number of connected devices poses scalability challenges for IPv4 due to its limited address space. IPv6 adoption helps alleviate these concerns by providing a vast number of available addresses

Relevance of 10.0.01 IP address in Piso WiFi systems

The IP address is and is mostly used in Piso wifi systems as well as in non-public home or office networks. It serves as the gateway to the internet for devices connected through a wifi router or access point. 

When devices connect to a Piso Wi-Fi network they automatically receive an IP address like 10.0.0.x. This address allows devices within the network to communicate with each other.

To access the internet, data from devices needs to pass through a gateway router typically This router connects the local network (LAN) to the broader internet. It manages both outgoing data (from devices to the Internet) and incoming data (from the Internet back to devices).

Essentially, enables devices in a private network to communicate with the internet. It uses Network Address Translation (NAT) to convert private IP addresses to public ones. Without the gateway devices would not be able to access the internet through Piso Wi-Fi.

Pause Feature in Piso WiFi Systems

The Pause feature on Piso WiFi models allows users to temporarily turn off their internet access for a set period. This can be useful in different situations. For example, parents can pause the internet to help their kids focus on homework or avoid distractions.

Business owners can also use this feature to direct employees’ focus towards important projects instead of browsing the internet during work hours.

To activate the pause feature subscribers just need to log into their account dashboard and click the pause option. They can then choose to pause internet access on devices like phones, laptops or tablets connected to the Wi-Fi network.

Users can set a duration for the pause from as short as 30 minutes to up to 24 hours. The dashboard shows a countdown timer so users know exactly when the internet will resume.

This capability helps manage internet usage efficiently on a controlled Piso WiFi network enhancing productivity for those who need it whether it is students focusing on academics or employees staying on task.

Benefits of pausing WiFi access in Piso systems

Fair Usage: Turning off WiFi connections prevents people who download a lot of music or use too much internet from taking up all the bandwidth. It helps ensure that everyone using the network has an equal chance to access it.

Bandwidth Management: By controlling WiFi, administrators can slow down download speeds when needed for maintenance or upgrades. This reduces network congestion and gives better performance for everyone.

User Control: Disabling WiFi access quickly alerts administrators to unauthorized user security threats or inappropriate usage. It also allows them to restrict access to specific users or devices.

Energy Savings: Turning off WiFi helps save energy by reducing the workload on network equipment like switches and access points. This is especially useful during low usage times or when there’s less traffic.

Troubleshooting: Temporarily disconnecting WiFi can be very helpful for fixing problems. It allows administrators to isolate and solve issues without affecting other people’s connections ensuring the network stays reliable.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting in Piso WiFi Systems

1. Poor Signal

Optimal Router Placement: Ensure your router is centrally located in your home. This helps in broadcasting WiFi signals evenly throughout your living space. Avoid placing it near thick walls, metal objects or large appliances like refrigerators, as these can weaken the signal.

Use of WiFi Extenders: In areas where the WiFi signal is weak or non-existent (often referred to as dead spots) consider using a WiFi range extender. These devices amplify the existing WiFi signal and extend its coverage to areas that were previously unreachable.

Antenna Positioning: If your router has external antennas adjust them for better signal reception. Positioning them upright and at different angles can sometimes improve the signal strength and range.

2. Old Firmware

Checking and Updating Firmware: Router manufacturers often release updates to their firmware which is the software that runs on the router. These updates can fix bugs enhance security and improve the router’s overall performance.

Accessing Admin Interface: To update the firmware log into your router’s admin interface using a web browser. The interface typically requires a username and password, which are often found on the router itself or in the documentation provided by the manufacturer.

Updating Process: Once logged in navigate to the firmware update section and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer to download and install the latest firmware version compatible with your router model.

3. Interference from Other Devices

 Identifying Interference Sources: Devices such as smartphones, baby monitors Bluetooth devices, and microwave ovens operate on the same 2.4 GHz frequency as WiFi networks. When these devices are in use they can cause interference that disrupts WiFi signals.

Switching Channels: To mitigate interference switch your router to a different channel within the 2.4 GHz frequency band. Modern routers typically offer multiple channel options allowing you to select one with less traffic and interference.

Consideration of 5 GHz Band: Alternatively, if your devices support it consider using the 5 GHz WiFi band. While it has a shorter range compared to 2.4 GHz it experiences less interference from common household devices, leading to potentially faster and more reliable WiFi connections.

4. Hardware Malfunction

Troubleshooting Steps: If you’ve tried all the above steps and still experience connectivity issues, there might be a hardware problem with your router. Common symptoms include frequent disconnections, slow speeds despite a strong signal, or the router not powering on at all.

Contacting Support: Reach out to the manufacturer’s customer support or refer to the router’s warranty documentation for guidance on obtaining a replacement or repair. They can help diagnose the issue further and provide solutions specific to your router model.

5. Device Conflicts

 Isolating Problem Devices:  certain devices connected to your network can cause conflicts that disrupt overall connectivity. To recognize which device is causing the issue:

Disconnect Devices: Begin by disconnecting one device at a time from your WiFi network.

Testing Connectivity: After disconnecting each device, check if your WiFi connection stabilizes or improves. This process helps isolate the problematic device.

Identifying Culprit: Once you identify the device causing the issue investigate if there are firmware updates or settings adjustments that can resolve the conflict.

These steps aim to troubleshoot common WiFi issues comprehensively, ensuring you can enjoy a stable and reliable internet connection throughout your home. If you need further assistance or additional solutions feel free to ask


The Piso WiFi System aims to provide convenient, inexpensive, and speedy public WiFi across most of the Philippines. By using Instagram Piso Wifi turns unused spaces like phone booths into WiFi spots making it easier to connect to the internet. However, this system is still new and needs more technology and support to help close the digital divide. If it rolls out smoothly and expands successfully Piso WiFi could greatly improve internet access for Filipino communities who previously could not get online.

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